How To Make A Website To Make Money-Make Hundreds Of Dollars Every Day

Many asked me: how do you start a website to make money? They find it scary and difficult. They couldn’t get far from the truth. Internet business is a great way to make money for anyone with basic computer skills. Running your website online is easy as there are thousands of resources available on the internet to help you create a website that makes money. You just have to be more discriminatory with the help you provide to others.
Undoubtedly, starting a website to make money means that you understand the steps to create a successful website. You need to understand all the steps to make money and create a successful website to ensure your success on the internet. In many cases, beginners ignore reading and fully understand each step. This usually causes these startups to fail, as they haven’t learned the basics of creating a successful website. After reading this article, you will fully understand the steps of how to start a money-making website. Well, the introduction is enough, let’s go to the steps.
Choose a theme for your website

This is one of the most important first steps to start your website to make money. Your website needs to be about the topic to be successful. For example, what do you think of the website This is a company whose sole purpose is Apple products, whether it’s an iPhone or an iPod, and the site still belongs to Apple products.
Track your interests-whether it’s a laptop or a cat, write down the topics you’re really interested in and choose what you want to write.
Follow the market. Find what people are looking for, whether it’s a new iPad or a new clothing style, and choose the one that best suits your interests. You can use the Google Keyword Tool or WordTracker Tool to find out what’s popular and what’s popular on the Internet. This will give you all the information about the number of users searching for the topic. We recommend that you choose a topic that you are interested in and that is also in demand in the market. This makes it easier for you to create content for your website and makes it easier for your visitors to read. Get domain name and hosting

The second step to starting a profitable website is to get a domain name (called a website) and a host plan (where you can store all your website files online). The domain name is the most important part of allowing users to access websites that identify topics. Choosing a domain name is important, but it shouldn’t take long. Simply select a name associated with the selected topic (for example, or

As a recommendation, we recommend using HostGator, which provides domain and host services. HostGator not only offers excellent hosting and domain pricing, but also excellent customer service. For less than $ 10.00, you can choose a domain name to get a cheap and reliable host package.
Install WordPress

Today, you can see that more blogs and websites are created every day using this blogging platform called WordPress. Simply put, WordPress is a blogging platform that anyone, even beginners, can run. WordPress is known on the internet as one of the best scripts to easily create and publish website content.
WordPress is also completely free. There are also hundreds of free WordPress templates that you can use with the click of a button. These templates are pre-created websites for designing websites, so you don’t have to bother designing them. You actuallyLifestyle  know that your website is powered by WordPress with great templates that allow you to write only content.
Create content for your website

The heart of the website is its content. Search engines are hungry for quality content, so if you have quality content, search engines like Google will reward you by attracting visitors to your site. However, to create high quality or useful content, you know the basics of the theme you have chosen for your website. The reason I let you choose topics based on your interests is to ensure that you can create good content for your website. It’s imperative that you maintain good writing habits and create website content at least three times a week so that Google can continue to love you and attract visitors to your website. Finally, for some simple SEO tips, you should read Google’s basic SEO guide.
Start making money

So we come to the part where we talk about the midpoint: how do you start a website to make money? It’s actually very simple and easy. The more visitors to your site, the more money you can make. As in the real world, a business is nothing without customers, and a website is nothing without visitors.